Always Functional: Home Areas that Need Working Condition

a person turning off the light

Most people would agree that having a safe and comfortable place to call home is one of the most important things in life. A functional home is essential for providing this basic need. It’s not only a place to rest and relax but also a space to store belongings, prepare meals, and raise a family.

Unfortunately, many people struggle to afford or maintain a functional home. According to the National Low Income Housing Coalition, there is no state in the country where a full-time worker can afford a two-bedroom apartment at market rent at minimum wage. To afford a one-bedroom apartment at fair market rent, workers must make $22.10 per hour. This stat is more than twice the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.

The lack of affordable housing creates a crisis for low-income families and individuals. They get forced to live in substandard conditions or move away from their communities and family members. It has severe consequences for their health and well-being. Fortunately, you can focus on the minimum of what people need in a functional home; these systems are among the most vital.


Electricity is one of the essential systems in a functional home. It provides power to lights, appliances, and other devices. It’s necessary for cooking, cleaning, and other daily activities, making it a vital home system.

Living without electricity can be very difficult. Families may have to use candles or flashlights to see in the dark. They may go without heating or air conditioning in extreme weather conditions. Children may be unable to do their homework or complete school assignments.

Everyone in a home needs to have access to electricity. This system is essential for maintaining a safe and comfortable environment. Fortunately, there might not be any issues with the electricity if you live in an apartment or condo. The building manager or owner ensures that the property has a working electrical system.

If you own a home, you’ll need to ensure that the wiring and electrical outlets are up-to-date and working correctly. You should also have a few extra light bulbs if one burns out. Regularly test your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors to ensure they work correctly.


Running water used at home

Another vital system in a functional home is the water supply. This resource is necessary for cooking, cleaning, bathing, and drinking. Every person needs access to clean water to stay healthy and hydrated.

A home without running water can be very challenging for survival. Families may need to collect rainwater or haul water from a nearby source. They may have to use an outhouse for a toilet. Bathing and laundry can become very difficult without running water.

Everyone in a home needs access to clean water. This system is essential for maintaining a healthy environment. If you live in an apartment or condo, the building manager or owner is responsible for ensuring that the property has a working water system.

If you own a home, you’ll need to ensure that the plumbing is up-to-date and working correctly. You should also have a few gallons of potable water in an emergency. Regularly test your home’s water supply for bacteria and other contaminants.

Temperature Control

Another vital system in a functional home is temperature control. This resource is necessary for regulating indoor temperature and creating a comfortable environment. Temperature control is significant in extreme weather conditions.

A home without temperature control can be very uncomfortable. Families may use fans or space heaters to keep cool or warm. They may suffer from excessive heat or cold depending on the season.

Everyone in a home needs access to temperature control. This system is essential for maintaining a comfortable environment. If you live in an apartment or condo, the building manager or owner is responsible for ensuring that the property has a working temperature control system.

If you have a home, you must get professional air conditioner services if the unit breaks down. The same goes for the furnace or other heating systems. You should also have a few blankets and extra clothes in an emergency.


Another vital system in a functional home is gas. This resource is necessary for heating, cooking, and other activities. Gas can also power some appliances and devices.

Families may need to use electric or propane heaters for warmth. They may have to cook on an electric stovetop or grill. However, it all depends on whether the home does not require gas for appliances or if a gas line is running to the house.

Everyone in a home needs access to gas. This system is essential for maintaining a safe and comfortable environment. If you live in an apartment or condo, the building manager or owner is responsible for ensuring that the property has a working gas system.

You should have your gas lines checked regularly if you own a home. It would help if you also had a few emergency supplies, such as batteries, in case of a power outage. Additionally, keep combustible materials away from any gas appliances or sources.

Final Thoughts

These are some of the necessary systems and resources for a functional home. If you live in an apartment or condo, the building manager or owner is responsible for ensuring that the property has these systems in working condition.

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