The way to a better smile


The modern era has brought a whole new set of challenges to our lives and none more so than dental care. We are not all the same and, as a result, many of us develop dental problems that affect how we look. Technology and dental science have made such incredible advancements that there is now no need to suffer from an embarrassing smile. The way that we use smartphones these days, with their ever-improving cameras, means that we want to make our smiling faces seen all over the world. Invisalign W1 has been developed to provide a new way of creating that desirable smile.

What is an invisible aligner?

It’s not long ago that teeth-straightening was something for children rather than adults, but all that has changed. Of course, prevention is the most effective method of ensuring the longevity of our teeth, but we are not all regular with our dental care. Invisalign is different from the normal dental braces that we are accustomed to, and, while there is still a place for braces, these invisible aligners offer a new option. They are clear trays made from a non-toxic dental compound, moulded to a patient’s mouth shape. Depending on the condition of the teeth, several trays are created, with a slightly different orientation in each.

What conditions can be treated with invisible aligners

The most common conditions that can be treated with these aligners are gaps, overcrowding, crooked teeth and a variety of bite issues from overbites to crossbites. Even excessive overjet, where the top teeth protrude outwards, can benefit from this treatment.

What does the procedure involve?


When a patient suffering from a teeth or jaw alignment problem attends their first dental appointment, they will be given a full oral examination and advised of all problems present and likely to manifest over time. The various treatments suited to correct the condition will be provided with all information and questions answered to make an informed decision.

Once invisible aligners have been selected as the preferred treatment, a digital scan, x-rays and numerous photographs will be taken. This is necessary to create an accurate model of the patient’s entire mouth, which allows the laboratory to accurately create the various aligner trays. The next appointment will be after the trays have arrived from the laboratory. The initial tray will be placed over the teeth and may require a few buttons to be fitted to help the tray stay in the correct position. The buttons, also made from a clear dental compound, are easily installed and usually temporary. The trays are fitted over the teeth and are much the same as a clear gum shield. It is normally around two weeks after the fitting that the patient is required to attend another appointment to assess progress. Trays must be worn for a minimum of twenty hours per day and removed before brushing, flossing, eating and drinking. After this appointment, different trays will be fitted within approximately one to two months, and each will gradually move the teeth into the desired location.

Finally, something to smile about

At the end of the treatment, a fixed or removable retainer is provided to wear until the teeth settle into their new positions. Roughly two months later, a further follow-up appointment will determine if the retainer can be removed permanently. You will then have the smile you have always wanted and can face the world confidently while keeping your teeth healthy and white.

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